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Join Dr. Ryan Smith of Savvy Physical Therapy to come try the SoleMate. The ultimate foot health tool.
This class is for anyone who has experienced foot pain including; Plantar Fascitis, Bunions, Morton's Neuroma, Sprained Ankles, Achilles Tendonitis, Flat Feet & more.
This class is also for anyone without pain who wants to improve; Balance, lower body mobility and strength, and athletic performance.
This is a chance to try before you buy! You can buy the SoleMate for $99 (Normally $119) and will have full access to their online training content.
Better Function = Better Performance
This class is limited to 10 people. Secure your spot below!
Knees For Skis
*No Classes Currently Scheduled
Knees For Skis is a knee injury prevention class designed to be able to be performed at home without needing any gym equipment. We will learn strength and mobility exercises from your toes to your core.
This is a one-hour, active participation exercise class hosted by Dr. Ryan Smith of Savvy Physical Therapy and it’s designed to be inclusive of all abilities, with each exercise having the ability to be modified to be more or less challenging to meet your current ability and to learn how to be progressed as you’re able.
Knees are the number one cause of season-ending injuries for skiers and snowboarders and can be prevented or reduce the severity of injury through preparation of strength and mobility. This class provides a foundation for you to build upon.